Here’s how your CSR funding can help ensure women’s dignity & equal sexual rights through building sensitivity of men, women & health services.
This cause is featured on Fund My Project as part of CSRlive.in‘s collaboration with Ketto.org
Project by: Riddhima for NGO Anubhuti
Funding Required: INR 40,000
Category: Eligible CSR activity as per Companies Act 2013, Schedule VII
(ii) promoting education, including special education ...especially among …women, …and livelihood enhancement projects;
(iii) promoting gender equality, empowering women, ..measures for reducing inequalities faced by socially and economically backward groups;
Here’s what Riddhima has to say about this project.
Seema* after giving birth to her first child was told- like many other Indian women- that for the sake of her and her family’s well being she must insert a copper T as a contraceptive precaution. What she was not warned about was the constant bleeding and chronic pain she would have to suffer because of this. To add to this, the device also got infected while in her body, causing severe complications. Seema unfortunately is one of the more fortunate examples because she could afford medical treatment. Through all this, her husband was never counseled about his responsibility to ensure safe sex.
This story is not rare. Every year thousands of women are counseled by government health services to opt for contraceptive methods such as copper T insertion, sterilization and birth control pills which cause side effects such as heavy bleeding, severe cramping, infection, anemia, miscarriage, cancer, embolisms, stroke and even death. In November 2014, 13 women died after complications at a sterilisation camp in Bilaspur district, Chhattishgarh.
This is a manifestation of the overall lack of agency that women have over their bodies and their sexual and reproductive health. It is also a symptom of the lack of equality between men and women in sexual relationships, where men are not expected to take equal responsibility for 'family planning' or for safe sex. To combat this, Anubhuti has started the Sharir Sanvaad Abhiyan - a campaign with women and men in rural & urban communities, as well as health workers who provide sexual & reproductive health services. This campaign's long-term goal is for partners to gain equity in sexual relationships through communication, consent and practicing safe sex.
The money raised here will help us make resources with positive messages, information and recommendations - which we will use to reach out to a large audience. This is part of the larger campaign in which we are already conducting workshops, meetings, and trainings in communities and government health departments.
Anubhuti is an organisation that is self-led by young women, that works with young people across social divisions on building their leadership so that they can become responsible and involved members of society. Anubhuti members have been working with youth and adolescents over last 10 years and have affected change in the way sexual harassment, public sanitation, forced early marriage, education of girls, etc. are looked at by the community and the state.
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