Image credit: New Cities Foundation - Now Arriving: A Connected Mobility Roadmap for Public Transport
Montréal, Canada (October 19, 2016): The New Cities Foundation has released Now Arriving: A Connected Mobility Roadmap for Public Transport , the culmination of the year-long Connected Mobility Initiative, supported by the Toyota Mobility Foundation.
The initiative, led by New Cities Foundation Senior Fellow, Greg Lindsay, profiles four cities: Washington, D.C.; London; Manila, and São Paulo, and develops near-, mid-, and long-term recommendations for urban transport authorities to develop connected mobility strategies. Key lessons from these case studies offer urban public transit authorities insight on how to transform themselves, how to boldly embrace technology and, ultimately, how to transition from transport operators to mobility managers.
The ubiquity of the smartphone as the key to on-demand transportation services is redefining mobility in cities. Meanwhile, private companies have been first to harness these technologies to create new services such as mapping, ride-hailing, and autonomous vehicle development.
Access “Now Arriving: A Connected Mobility Roadmap for Public Transport” here.
While previous research has examined the impact of technology on users, car ownership and new business models, the Connected Mobility Initiative focuses on how this is transforming public transportation. The report examines how the new landscape of mobility – physical, digital and socioeconomic – opens up powerful new strategies to ensure that cities and their citizens can benefit more broadly from the transformation of transport.
The report recommends that transport authorities create steering committees to assess the potential impact of technologies on transportation, make better use of existing data, and launch microtransit pilot projects.
The New Cities Foundation will showcase the findings of the report at Cities on the Move, an annual urban mobility event in Tokyo on November 4. The event will convene 150 global leaders from policy, technology, architecture, mobility and economics to explore urban mobility transformations. The two-day event is organized by the New Cities Foundation and supported by Toyota Mobility Foundation, X, and Mori Building.
John Rossant, Chairman, New Cities Foundation said: “Urban Mobility is transforming faster than ever – with revolutionary transport services altering how we move in cities on a daily basis. It is imperative that we prioritise investment and forward thinking in our public transport networks and fuse strong partnerships to ensure that mobility in our cities in the years ahead not only meets changing demand but is equitable, accessible and innovative.”
Greg Lindsay, Senior Fellow, New Cities Foundation said : “Mobility is destiny. How we move through cities defines who we are. To date, the transport revolution triggered by the smartphone has been almost purely the province of private companies. It’s imperative for public transport operators to reassert their essential role in the health and well-being of cities by embracing and extending these same technologies to deliver better and more comprehensive service. Denial and obstruction have failed; this report uses dispatches from four cities to capture various facets of how public transport is coming to grips with this challenge, and offers recommendations collected from their peers on how best to proceed.”
Latondra Newton, Chief Program Officer, Toyota Mobility Foundation said : “The Toyota Mobility Foundation partnered with New Cities Foundation on this report to examine the most pressing transport issues facing people in cities today and identify promising paths forward. Among the recommendations, the one calling for greater public-private partnerships is particularly important. At TMF we know that partnerships are critical to addressing global mobility issues so more people can go places and live better lives.”
Find out more about the Connected Mobility Initiative here.
Source: MySocialGoodNews.com as part of CSRlive’s collaboration with Your Mark On The World