Image credit: careerguide.com
Fair and Lovely foundation helps women and girl students to become self-reliant through scholarships, career guidance, and online courses. The foundation has been supporting students for their education, career, and entrepreneurship. In order to further its efforts, the company has recently launched its career counselling and guidance platform in association with CareerGuide.com.
With the help of CareerGuide.com, which is an expert career counselling platform in the country, Fair and Lovely has provided a platform to all the students in the country to receive free career counselling. The students can get information about 61 job roles that are available in India in 10 major industries. The test is an 8-10 minutes interest based career test where students are asked to answer some questions based on which they are given guidance. This career test is based on the theory of famous psychologist John L. Holland in which he has stressed on suitable personality types for different career options. The students are asked questions based on their personality type, aptitude, and logical reasoning. After thorough analysis mechanism, students are suggested the industries and the job roles for which they are suitable and can perform well.
The students can receive guidance in the following industries:
- Aviation and aerospace
- Finance and accounts
- Information Technology
- Healthcare
- Beauty and wellness
- Education and training
- Media and entertainment
- Management, marketing, and sales
- Natural resources and food processing
- Engineering and manufacturing
There are further job roles in all the above industries about which students are guided and informed. The career test takes approximately 8-10minutes for a student and the student will get a customized report for himself. The report of the test carries suggestions of 3 ideal industries for the student based on his personality, aptitude, and interest. Further, the report suggests the interests of the students about whether they are social, interrogative, artistic, realistic or conventional. These are further explained to the student for his better understanding along with his score in each kind of interest category.
The test has been particularly designed so that students can understand the importance of career guidance and information in an easy and fun way. The test is a simple introduction to the ideal career options for the student but does not take into account the skills, capabilities and current education of the student. There are in total 20 multiple choice questions for the student and there are no right or wrong answers. The students can mark the answer based on their own personality and interests. It is expected that this career test will reach a large number of students across the country irrespective of their physical location. Maitri, Sales Executive from CareerGuide.com says that – “We feel happy to be associated with Fair and Lovely Foundation and through this initiative we can help many more students who are not able to take career counselling through private counsellors or are unable to reach out to them.”
Fair and Lovely Foundation is also associated with NSDC, English Edge, NIIT and Edx as education partners. These 4 partners are collectively providing 478 courses in 20 subjects. Students can take these courses free of cost anywhere and at any time. There are more than 300 video lectures and soft skill courses from world class institutes such as IIT, IIM, and MIT. The complete package is expected to provide a great platform to the students to enhance their skills and knowledge. Anjalli Ravikumar from Fair and Lovely Foundation added that – “The quality of CareerGuide’s test has been appreciated by Fair and Lovely Foundation site users.”