What: Ethical Trade And Human Right Forum
Where: London
When: 19-20 October 2015
Why: Created in partnership with the Ethical Trading Initiative, this multi-stakeholder conference is designed to move delegates beyond an audit and CSR-based era to a future of transformative and scalable change for sustainable trade.
This conference will provide:
- A holistic view the state of ethical trade, human rights and business and the action needed to create fundamental change
- What future models of collaboration and partnership will look like, (brand-to-brand, with governments, and between hemispheres) and how to create them
- What the world is evolving into economically, socially and demographically and what it means for companies and workers
A range of breakout sessions will deliver practical, participatory discussions on:
- Key issues such as the implications of the Modern Slavery Act, empowering women workers, and preventing exploitation of migrant labour in your supply chain
- Real-life experience, to ensure that business efforts are informed directly by workers and supplier management, including women, vulnerable and migrant workers
- Best practice in implementing meaningful human rights performance in reporting, due diligence and grievance mechanisms
Organized by: The Ethical Trade and Human Rights Forum is a partnership between Innovation Forum (www.innovation-forum.co.uk) and the Ethical Trading Initiative (www.ethicaltrade.org). The event builds on the success of Innovation Forum’s November 2014 conference in London.
The 2015 conference will combine Innovation Forum’s experience in the human rights and business area with the extensive network and leadership of the Ethical Trading Initiative in promoting worker rights around the globe.
For more information, visit: http://innovation-forum.co.uk/ethical-trade.php