What: ASEAN Responsible Business Forum
Where: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
When: 27-29 October 2015
Why: The creation of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) by end 2015 is expected to bring numerous benefits such as free movement of goods and labour, greater intra-ASEAN investment and trade. Yet with the positives from a single market and production base, negative impacts can also arise. Issues such as widened income gaps, worsened corruption, human rights abuses and increased environmental degradation can put vulnerable groups at risk.
These issues must be tackled and resolved within a multi-stakeholder cooperation model. Hence, it is imperative for governments, civil society and businesses to work together to strongly encourage the adoption and implementation of responsible business practices or corporate social responsibility (CSR) in achieving sustainable economic growth.
In its efforts to bring together relevant stakeholders to achieve this goal, ASEAN CSR Network is organising the ASEAN Responsible Business Forum, a high-level regional platform for governments, the private sector and civil society to connect with and advance responsible business practices and partnerships.
Organized by: ASEAN CSR Network
For more information, see Program details